Release 5.24.0
- 2X speed improvement for uploading files
- 2X speed improvement for deleting media manager folders
- Silver remote update from tvOS 18 issue (Apple bug we fixed)
- Tooltips for Volume Playlist Items (Bug fix)
- If you adjust the volume, tooltips are now on the playlist row.
- Flash of Loading Content in Preview (Bug Fix)
- When your network is slow, previewing a video and adjusting the in/out points or volume would flash a weird black div, and the modal would get absurdly huge. This is fixed—the video and modal stay where they are.
- Make it so Limited Creators cannot see/access folders that they do not have playlists in
- i.e., if they do not have a tag playlist in the folder, then they cannot see the folder.
- Make it so that they can only delete/move folders that the limited creator makes.
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