1. The most effective fix you can do if Orange isn't showing up is to unlink and relink your Orange account.
Settings > Account Info > Look under the "Integrations" header (pictured below)
Click the X icon next to your email address, then click the Link Account button.
2. Still not working? Did you link ALL your Orange accounts?
Some churches have more than one Orange user and account. You can link more than one user by clicking "Link Account" and adding additional Orange users.
3. Still no luck? When does your Orange subscription begin or end?
For example, if the subscription begins on April 1, then your content won't appear until April 1. In the meantime, you can upload your content manually into the Media Manager.
4. Do you subscribe to the right package with Orange to get the videos?
Here are the packages we support:
5. Did content sync, but you can't find the files you need? Search for the file or content that is missing.
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